Fall Prevention for Seniors in Bloomington

Providing fall prevention information for seniors in Apple Valley, Bloomington, Burnsville, Eagan, Eden Prairie, Edina, Minnetonka, Plymouth, and surrounding communities.

Great Oak Senior Care can improve your quality of life by providing compassionate, one-on-one home care and companionship in the comfort of your home. Our personalized and affordable services are available 7 days a week and can range from a few hours to 24/7 live in care. Great Oak Senior Care is proud to be the “resident experts” in fall prevention for the Bloomington area.

Our highly-qualified and trained caregivers provide services to private homes, assisted living communities, hospitals, nursing facilities and rehabilitation centers.  We are ready to help – request a free care assessment now!

Fall Prevention Program for Seniors and Families in the Bloomington Area

Great Oak Senior Care is proud to be the “resident experts” in fall prevention for the Bloomington area. Let us share some ideas with your family, friends, company, organization, or group about how to prevent one of the most catastrophic events in the life of a senior citizen.

Did you know that:

  • 70% of accidental deaths in people over the age of 75 result from falls?

  • We spend $79 billion in medical costs each year on accidents attributable to falls?

  • 40% of all nursing home admissions are attributable to repeated falls at home?

  • 1 out of every 3 seniors who lives independently in their homes will seek medical care for a major fall each year?  If you are over 75, the likelihood of falling is even greater.

  • 25% of seniors who suffer hip fractures die within one year?

  • Survivors of falls may experience debilitating fractures of the hip, wrists or spine?

  • Falling, or the fear of falling, oftentimes leads to loss of confidence, imposed isolation, and immobility?

The consequences of falling are very serious to seniors and their families. We are very concerned about the effects that falls have on seniors. We routinely speak to groups, both large and small, about how to prevent falls. We have developed a dynamic presentation (ranging from 20 to 60 minutes in length) that we would love to share with your group.  In this presentation, we share such things as:

  • The frequency and effects of falls among seniors

  • The most common causes of falls

  • Things you can do to reduce the risk of falling

  • What to do when someone falls

  • How to tell if you or someone you love is at risk of a fall

With each presentation, brochures, videos and other materials are available for each person. In addition, each senior will have the opportunity to participate in a free risk assessment. If you would like us to present this valuable program at your group’s next meeting, simply contact us!

Fall Prevention for Seniors in Bloomington MN
We have packages and pricing details for Hospital to Home, Overnight Care, and Sundowning Syndrome Care.
Are you ready for our personalized and affordable compassionate, one-on-one home senior home care services?
How Can Your Prevent a Senior from Falling?
Are you ready for our personalized and affordable compassionate, one-on-one senior home care services?

We have packages and pricing details for Welcome Home, Overnight Care, and Sundowning Syndrome Care.

How do you prevent an elderly person from falling?

Steps a senior can take to reduce their risk of a fall in their home:

Improve strength and practice balance.

Exercise classes like yoga are extremely helpful with balance and strength. Seniors can participate in yoga classes in their own homes, in front of the TV. There are even chair yoga classes!

Yoga involves slow movements with breathing and muscle activity, which improves balance.

Practice Strength and Balance in Everyday Life:

Stand on one foot while washing your hands, or brushing your teeth, or stand with one foot in front of the other.

Stay in Good Health

Stay Hydrated! Drink lots of water. Dehydrated seniors get dizzy more often.

Supplement or eat foods rich in Vitamin D- this increases muscle strength.

  • Get checked for osteoporosis. Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of treating osteoporosis.
  • Regular eye exams. Do you have the right type of glasses or lenses? Bifocals and progressive lenses cause more falls. 
  • Talk to your doctor about your medications. Do they make you feel dizzy or weak? Many side effects of common medications can lead to a fall.
  • Don’t be afraid to use a walking aid- even temporarily. Canes and walkers can keep seniors steady on rough or bumpy surfaces. 
  • Wear shoes with nonskid soles (not house slippers).
  • Be sure your home is well lit so that you can see things you might trip over.
  • Use night lights in your bedroom, bathroom, hallways and stairways.
  • Remove throw rugs or fasten them to the floor with carpet tape. Tack down carpet edges.
  • Don’t put electrical cords across pathways.
  • Have grab bars put in your bathtub, shower and toilet area.
  • Have handrails put on both sides of stairways.
  • Don’t climb on stools and stepladders. Get someone else to help with jobs that call for climbing.
  • Don’t wax your floors at all, or use a non-skid wax.
  • Have sidewalks and walkways repaired so that surfaces are smooth and even.

What is the most common cause of falls in the elderly?

  • Normal changes in eyesight and hearing can make a senior more likely to fall.
  • Diseases and conditions can affect your strength and balance.
  • Low lighting or rugs in the home can make seniors more likely to slip, trip, and fall.
  • Seniors who take 4 or more medicines are more likely to fall. The side-effects of the medications can make them dizzy. 
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