
Helping a Senior Deal With Heart Disease

In the last decades of life for most men and women, cardiovascular diseases take a serious toll.
Home Care Assistance in Edina, MN: Heart Disease

In the last decades of life for most men and women, cardiovascular diseases take a serious toll. The arteries and veins become stiffer and the muscles of the heart get weaker like other parts of the body. According to a survey from the American Heart Association, more than 5.7 million people age 65 and over go to the hospital due to heart diseases. Caregivers should have a clear idea of the heart failure symptoms of their loved ones. Because so many older people are affected, it is very important to be aware of common symptoms.

What is heart failure:

In general, heart failure means the heart is too weak to pump blood. When circumstances occur inside the body that the heart is not able to pump blood as it should, the kidneys automatically start retaining water and salt as a backup electrolyte for body needs. When more and more fluid builds up, the body becomes ‘congested’, which is why this type of heart failure is called congestive heart failure.

Common Symptoms:

There are some definitive symptoms to determine heart failure. Some are discussed below.

  • Shortness of breath: In normal conditions like lying and sitting there may be shortness of breath which can be observed.
  • Coughing: Without any cold or any external reason- coughing is there, even in the time of talking also.
  • Fluid build-up: There can be a soft swelling in the feet, ankle, legs.
  • Fatigue: Without doing any work one will always feel tired.
  • Lack of appetite: Though he or she did not eat for a long time, hunger feeling will not be present, but a full stomach feeling will be there.
  • Fluctuating heart rate: Increased or decreased heart rate occurs from to time without any reason.

Ways to support your senior:

For your loved one, proper care is the most effective way to recover. In these situations, home care assistance are the best choices to make to ensure the safety and care at a time together. Right diet, exercise, emotional support, palliative care are the key factors. Having a healthy lifestyle with people to take care of your senior is the best possible way to recover fast, physically and mentally.

Conclusion: Helping a Senior Deal With Heart Disease

As seniors are living longer, they’re seeking more care for their cardiovascular diseases, as well as the accompanying comorbidities such as diabetes. Home care assistance is the right choice in these situations for seniors and for family members.

In fact, when recovering from heart disease, if your senior feels any kind of uneasiness, then the people who take care of them immediately can make a big difference in terms of the quality of life and life span of your loved ones. Relieving the burden of transportation, cooking, cleaning, and other work from you and your family will let your senior focus on getting better. Call us today and see how home care assistance can help you and your senior today!

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Home Care Assistance in Edina, MN please contact the caring staff at Great Oak Senior Care, Inc. today(952) 767-4925 


Keith Dahlen

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