
Personal Care at Home Grooming and Hygiene Routines

As we age, our grooming and hygiene care can change. Personal care at home can help your senior loved one stay healthy and maintain a routine.
Senior Hygiene: Personal Care at Home Burnsville MN
Senior Hygiene: Personal Care at Home Burnsville MN

Grooming and hygiene are the two main categories that cover our personal care needs. Many of them are essential to your dad’s well-being and some of them he may require assistance from a personal care at home provider. Here are the six aspects of grooming and hygiene that he should be doing each day.

Oral Care

At the age of 75, one out of two Americans have at least one cavity that’s in the root of a tooth. Dry mouth, a common side effect of many prescription medications used by the elderly, heightens the risk of cavities below the gum line.

If your dad has diabetes or takes medications that cause dry mouth, he needs to see his dentist often to discuss the best ways to address it. He also needs to brush and floss his teeth as often as his dentist recommends. This may mean brushing three times a day, and he needs to make sure he does it.

Skin Care

Aging skin lacks the same amount of collagen that younger skin has. It’s one of the reasons that older adults find their skin developing a crepe-like appearance or becoming drier and even flaky. Proper skin care is essential. This means using a gentle soap when needed, rinsing carefully to ensure no soap stays behind, and applying a moisturizing lotion or cream after a shower or bath.

If your dad uses the moisturizer straight out of the shower, he traps more moisture in his skin. Plus, it’s easier to apply as his skin is still wet. He may need help reaching areas like the heels on his feet or the backs of his arms.


Your dad needs to be able to get to the toilet, sit down without falling, and clean up after himself. He needs to be able to stand back up without falling. If he’s finding it harder to do this, an elevated toilet seat and grab bars on each side of the toilet will help.


Getting dressed is another important area of hygiene. Your dad needs to have clean clothing. He cannot keep wearing the same dirty clothing for weeks. It increases the risk of infection and he’ll smell unpleasant.

He needs to be able to choose the correct outfit for the weather. Shorts and sandals aren’t appropriate when it’s snowing, and a heavy sweater and jeans aren’t great on a hot, humid day. If he can’t figure out what to wear due to a health issue like Alzheimer’s, he needs a personal care at home provider to help him.

He also may need help with buttons, zippers, and snaps. If he can get dressed, but cannot fasten anything, personal care at home aides will help him.

Hair Care

If your dad still has hair, he needs to be able to wash it every few days. He has to be able to comb or brush it, and make sure it’s not in his face or irritating or covering his eyes.

Facial Cleansing

The face can be a pretty germy place. As you talk, tiny droplets of saliva come out and can land on the chin. The same is true when he sneezes. Your dad should wash his face each day with a mild facial cleanser.

If he needs to shave, he should be able to do this without cutting himself. If he can’t, it’s time to arrange grooming and hygiene services.

Schedule Visits From Personal Care Aides

Don’t let your dad struggle to complete grooming and hygiene chores. Never let him go without caring for his skin, nails, hair, and teeth. Personal care at home aides can help with all of it.

The tasks your dad can do independently aren’t offered unless he asks. The things he cannot do without help are provided during his caregiver’s visits. Talk to a specialist to learn more about the value of personal care at home.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Personal Care at Home in Burnsville, MN please contact the caring staff at Great Oak Senior Care, Inc. today. (952) 767-4925


Keith Dahlen

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