
Preventing Falls at Home Easily

Your senior may want to age in place, and this can be a terrifying statement for you, especially when you know your senior doesn’t have an amazing balance.
Companion Care at Home Bloomington, MN: Preventing Falls
Companion Care at Home Bloomington, MN: Preventing Falls

Your senior may want to age in place, and this can be a terrifying statement for you, especially when you know your senior doesn’t have an amazing balance. Maybe you’re worried about falls, breaks, or damage to the house that keeps you from thinking this is a great idea. These are all valid concerns, and luckily there are things you can do to minimize and prevent falls. 

If your senior lives alone and needs help with daily activities like exercise, eating, and getting ready for the day,

Companion Care at Home Bloomington, MN: Preventing Falls
Companion Care at Home Bloomington, MN: Preventing Falls

companion care at home can be a huge asset for your senior. These professionals will help your senior mom or dad stick with an exercise routine that will keep them agile and mobile, all while being great friends to them. Companion care at home is happy in between being completely independent and living in a nursing home. It’s time to start interviewing the right candidate. 

Each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in four of the elderly stumble and fall every year. Each year, approximately three million elderly people are treated for fall-related injuries, and about 30,000 older adults die due to a fall. In addition, the CDC reports that falls account for more than 95% of hip fractures. Clearly, falls are a significant worry for the elderly.

There is no need to accept that falling is inevitable as you become older. According to research, older persons who engage in regular physical activity have a lower chance of falling. As they age, seniors benefit from improved balance and reflexes with regular exercise. Preventing slips and falls begins with an evaluation of the home environment in addition to regular exercise. The following are four suggestions for preventing a fall in the home for the elderly.

Remove Hazards That Could Cause Falls

One of the most prevalent causes of falls among the elderly is tripping over something. Take the time to go around your property. A fall may be avoided if the rug is removed or a nonslip substance is used below it. Maintain clean walkways in your house, particularly from your bedroom to your bathroom. To avoid tripping, wrap electrical cables around furniture legs, tape them to the floor, or bury them in the carpet. Decorate your house in a way that does not provide a fall hazard.

Replace the Lights in a Senior’s Home

Inadequate light is a factor in home falls among the elderly. Aging eyes need more time to transition from a well-lit to a dark environment, often known as dark adaptation. If an older adult does not allow sufficient time for their eyes to adapt, they risk tripping over an item they cannot see. Consider putting automated night lighting around your house to prevent this problem. Set some lighting on timers so that they activate before nightfall. Replace light bulbs as necessary and ensure that every room has appropriate illumination.

Give Them Non-Slip Shoes

Occasionally, falls result from a lack of equilibrium. This may be avoided by wearing nonslip shoes while going about the home. Ensure the shoes fit properly and provide stability. Avoid wearing shoes that expose the back of the heel since it is simpler to pull the foot out of the shoe and cause a fall. Look for a slip-resistant rubber sole with enough padding on the inside. Purchase a pair of indoor-only footwear if you want a shoe-free home.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Companion Care at Home in Bloomington, MN please contact the caring staff at Great Oak Senior Care, Inc. today. (952) 767-4925

Keith Dahlen

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