
What Is a Mediterranean Diet? Should Your Seniors Be Following It?

Are you on the lookout for a heart-healthy eating plan for your seniors? The Mediterranean diet may be a good match for your family.
Home Care Burnsville, MN: Mediterranean Diet

Are you on the lookout for a heart-healthy eating plan for your seniors? The Mediterranean diet may be a good match for your family. The Mediterranean diet is a style of life centered on the traditional cuisines of Greece, Italy, and other Mediterranean-coastal nations. The diet’s basis comprises plant-based foods such as whole grains, vegetables, legumes, fruits, nuts, seeds, herbs, and spices. The primary source of additional fat is olive oil. Consumption of fish, seafood, dairy products, and chicken is permitted in moderation. Red meat and sweets are consumed only once in a while. Overall this is a well-rounded diet that you or 24-hour home care providers can recommend your seniors follow.

Why Seniors May Choose The Mediterranean Diet?

Home Care Burnsville, MN: Mediterranean Diet

The diet gained popularity in the 1950s when it was discovered that heart disease was not as prevalent in Mediterranean nations as in the United States. Numerous studies since then have proved that the Mediterranean diet is effective in preventing heart disease and stroke. Not all 24-hour home care assistants will know about this diet, and not all seniors will understand how to cook around this diet. It may be crucial for you to research this diet for your seniors.

What Healthy Fats Can a Senior Eat?

Not all fats are unhealthy but seniors should pick and choose what types of fats they eat. In the Mediterranean diet, olive oil is the principal source of added fat. Monounsaturated fats included in olive oil help decrease total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (or “bad”) cholesterol levels. Additionally, nuts and seeds contain monounsaturated fat. Omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in fatty fish such as mackerel, herring, sardines, albacore tuna, and salmon. These polyunsaturated fats aid the body in combating inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids also contribute to the reduction of triglycerides, the prevention of blood clotting, and the reduction of the risk of stroke and heart failure.

Is This the Best Choice for Seniors?

Older adults still need to focus on diet just like a younger adult. Their body fat and muscle may change as they age, they may slow down, or they may not be able to taste as well as they used to. All of these facts change how a senior consumes food, but they still need to focus on getting adequate nutrition in their diets.

The Mediterranean diet is not just a shopping list, it’s a way of life. It is making healthier choices every day and becoming conscious of what is going inside of your body. This can be hard for seniors to focus on but it is worth learning about.

The most important thing a senior can do is ask their doctors or nutritionists for advice. If they are supposed to be following a specific diet, it is essential to do so. If they are not following a diet from their doctors, this diet can be a good one to turn to for a healthy lifestyle.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering home care in Burnsville, MN please contact the caring staff at Great Oak Senior Care, Inc. today. (952) 767-4925


Keith Dahlen

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